Lisboa | Junho 2015
"So if I wish to describe Aglaura to you, sticking to what I personally saw and experienced, I should have to tell you that it is a colorless city, without character, planted there at random. But this would not be true, either: at certain hours, in certain places along the street, you see opening before you the hint of something unmistakable, rare, perhaps magnificent; you would like to say what it is, but everything previously said of Aglaura imprisons your words and obliges you to repeat rather than say."
Invisible Cities, Italo Calvino
Percorro as mesmas ruas de Lisboa uma e outra vez. Procuro, como sempre, o sopro da beleza e da transfiguração, uma alegria especial nos pormenores, e nunca deixo de tentar dizer aquelas palavras que me escapam. Mesmo se acabo a repetir-me, a beleza permanece.
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